Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Busy weekend ahead

Water Mill & Tea Shop at Ollerton
Stationed at Kirklington Hall 1944 in the ATS

Kirklington Hall in the 1930's

A very busy weekend ahead, I have to buy a book on Quilting for beginers so that I can get my next project started to keep me busy through the winter months.

Also my sister and I are going to trace our Mother's life during World War 2 when she served in the ATS. We have planned a route which will take us to Ollerton in Nottinghamshire where she spent some time in 1944 and Kirklington Hall where she was stationed during that period. The Hall is now a boarding school, (Rodney School) so with a bit of luck we may have the chance to go inside. Ollerton Watermill and Teashop will be an ideal place to have tea and remember the stories she told us as youngsters of her time spent in the forces.

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